Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Cutesie and I Know It

Out of all the quality characteristics of Flame-point Siamese cats, humility is not one of them. Finnegan is cute, and he knows it. He flaunts his good looks. When a camera is brought out, he's not shy.

"I'm ready for my closeup!" is a site dedicated to pictures of adorable kittens and cats. Visitors to the site can click on the images and vote for which cat they think is cuter. A page of the "winningest kittens" shows which cat pictures have been picked the most times.

Finnegan, you're cute, pretty, and a good model, but I'm not sure you're the winningest kitten of them all. How about we let the viewers decide?

A picture of Finny sleeping with his toy hedgehog has been added to Kittenwars. Check out the site and vote for him if you see his picture!


EDIT: Kittenwars has also created a random kitten generator to view cute kitten images and has published a kittenwar book.

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